For the Professor's sake, I try to keep the place a little warmer than it would be normally; it makes him more comfortable (and keeps him from climbing up on me looking for warmth when I'm trying to defeat VG bosses, and distracting me with his razor-sharp claws that he refuses to have clipped because he needs them "just in case". In case of what? I ask. He responds, naturally, with only a haughty look.)

Of course, cold weather isn't the exclusive demesne of the Professor's power naps, as is evidenced by the photo to the left, taken in early summer of this year, before the Prof's cozy cuddly nappytime beddy-bed was relocated to my desk. Which was done to keep him from--well, from doing just this, flopping over my stuff, walking on the keyboard, spilling my drinks, et cetera (it doesn't work).
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