Hee hee hee! He is as old as I am, times a bajillion jillion! So old and fuzzy. Here is a picture of him being old and fuzzy. He was funny-looking when he was small like me but that was millionbajillionjillion years ago. I love Professor!
Human Overlord wants to have a PARTY for Professor, and she made invitations and people replied. There may be cake but I don't know if I like cake. If HO eats it, it must be good for me, right? She wouldn't eat anything I couldn't eat.
I am so smrt! See me conquer the screen behind the stripey curtains!!

HO says party is August 20 at 1 pm. There will be pictures. And maybe cake!!
I am so smrt.
Happy Birthday to the Professor! Hard to believe he is already 14. It seems like not that long ago that we took him to stay with Steph and Ced.
Intern Bobby sends his regrets that he cannot attend. Also, this message:
"Prof- jingly ratbaby toy on elastic string tried to kill me during experiment yesterday. Was disentangled by HumanMomPerson. HumanDadPerson hung it back up and now it's MOCKING ME. What should I do?"
The only logical thing to do in such a case is to begin tearing apart the Human Overlords' most precious belongings. Barring that, keep in mind that you are fully-armed, and that razor-sharp blades can be used to shred human skin. Maintain a high and consistent level of destruction until they relent and return what is rightfully yours in order that you may continue your experiments. I should like to see this ratbaby and your progress in its thrashing, if there are any so-called photographs of it.
My goodness, wasn't that when he was eight or nine? I've been home for three years now. Time flies ;_;
by the way, Prof- could you have the HO email my HumanMommy? She's on the laptop and doesn't have HO's email address saved on it.
She has *NEWS*
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