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The Professor is very fond, as I have said, of the independent spirit. Nothing makes him happier than an intern that takes initiative.The Princess definitely has initiative. And she lurves to climb. Everything. All the time. There are no surfaces in the mountain lair too high for her to reach, no objet d'art too precious that it can't be knocked over (as a side note, the mountain lair got rid of all its Ming vases many years ago, as the Professor was fond of climbing in his youth).
To the right, the Princess on a shelf 170 cm (67 inches) above the floor. Atop that shelf and visible: my 25th Anniversary Cabbage Patch Doll; my Swan Jun "Cool Girl" doll; my Kisaragi Honey "Cool Girl" doll; my Cutey Honey "Cool Girl" doll... What's that? You can't see Cutey Honey? Oh, she's there, flat on her face. Jun's taken a dive off the shelf a couple of times herself. Honey has so far managed to escape this fate... so far. To the far left (way out of the camera's view) are some SD Gundam kits that the Princess thought were fun to knock over as well.
After an evening of scaring the you know what out of the HO, the Princess was pretty tired, and sought the Professor for permission to put the remainder of the project on hold for a bit.
He gave her the next day off as well. He's generous that way.